If you're around Erie, PA: make sure to check out the
iNSPiRAL show tomorrow night at Sherlock's. Yes, Mikey and I will be driving up from Pittsburgh to Erie at 8:00 p.m. and then he'll play the show...and we'll drive the 2 hours back to Pittsburgh at some god-awful hour of the night/morning. So, be there and make it awesome! They will have a show in Pittsburgh on Saturday, June 28th, so save the date!
If you're in Pittsburgh, PA: before I head to Erie, I am going to the opening at
15 Minutes Gallery over at the technology building off of 2nd Ave (downtown-ish) it's at 5:30-8. Both
Randie and
John have several pieces in the show.
yayyay shooooow yay pitts show!!!
except i can't stay over that night...or have to leave to get home by 10am the next morning possibly...eek, maybe i bet i can switch w/ rachie!!!
i still have yet to go to an iNSPiRAL show!!! ahh! hopefully when we move back to erie!! :-)
I'm no where near PA, but I hope you have fun at the show. It sounds like it will be a blast! The only thing that doesn't sound fun is the ride back. Me and my friends went to a show in Ohio a few weeks ago and we got back at 4 AM. It was awful! Me and my boyfriend (who was driving) were the only two people still awake in the car, haha.
at least you only need to be at the gallery for 15 minutes. phew.
oh, and stace...i have also "still have yet to go to an iNSPiRAL show"...this is their...first...:)
My ex always played shows in Erie... he was from Edinboro. But I'm not going to talk about that!
Have fun at the show!!
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