Saturday, September 27, 2008

I Can't See!

Yesterday I put in my contacts and everything was still blurry so I ended up wearing my glasses. It took me ALL day to realize that I put Mike's contacts in, ugh.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Flight of the Bird...

So we went to a Photoshop seminar today (I'll tell you about it later) and we found a birdie in the parking lot who was clearly not doing well....

So we fed him some granola bar...

We put him on my coat...

And moved him to safety...

We came back a few hours later...

and had to bury him...


Friday, September 19, 2008

Weekly Spanish: 85 Days left!

This is a good option if you can't read the menu.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Back in the Burgh

I had a fabulous trip to Colorado and I am now safe and sound back at home. Just a little busy getting caught up, but here are a few pics from the trip:

We went to a Colorado Rockies game against the Padres (Rockies lost). All the seats are a gray-green color except the one row of seats that are purple, that's the "mile high" seats!

Of course, in tradition, we tried the artichoke dip (it was a little too creamy, but yummy none the less) at Brekenridge Brewery in Denver (they had a good vanills porter, which is my fav beer right now!).

Our purpose (besides the fact that Colorado is b-e-a-utiful) was to visit my family, so here we all are (in no particular order) mom, dad, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin, cousin and me!

Friday, September 12, 2008

I Made it!

I made it to Colorado! Flight (first ever all by myself, so I was a little nervous) was great, I met lots of new friends like Bob the architecht, Adam the CMU grad student, John Adams (like the president) the Philly lawyer and Lisa who was going to a concert in LA. Didn't get to read my book at all b/c I kept talking to strangers but thats okay! Had a bit of a headache for awhile which is appearently common due to the altitude. Having fun with the family and we're going to stay in a cabin in the Rockies tomorrow night!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Going on Vay-Cay!

Okay I'm leaving today for Colorado and I'll be back next Tuesday! I don't know for sure if I'll get a chance to get online or not (sorry for leaving you in suspense). Here's some travel cards from Indexed to keep you smiling while I'm gone.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Sweet Bloggie: Design Freebies

A gathering of cute templates, awesome desktop backgrounds, random toys, cards for all occasions, etc....all free! Totes worth checking out!

It's official!

Mike and I set a date.

We'll be getting hitched in Erie at Stephany's next summer. Phew.

Weekly Spanish: Less than 100 days left!

I found another good source for assisting you in learning another language, it's called Babbel and creates a sort of social network of others learning languages as well as tutorials for you to work through.

Okay, onto the phrase of this week. Some things you hope you never have to say but should plan for them anyway...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

3-Day Weekend

The weekend flew by! We didn't do anything too exciting, but we did go camping out at Mike's family camp by Parker Dam. We had new keys made a month or so ago and they ended up not working, well the ones to open the gate to the road (if you call it a road)...

anyyway...we opened the gate but couldn't open the cabin. Soooo we slept in the car (thank goodness for suvs with the seats that fold completely down) and just went hiking and whatnot the next morning. Wasn't perfect, but couldn't have been any better, we had a great time.


Just wanted to say congratulations to my co-worker and fellow blogger Alanna and (Mike's co-worker) Chris on their wedding this weekend! Best wishes for a happy future you crazy kids!

(Alanna has two blogs: their wedding/married life blog and her personal design blog, check it out she does some really awesome work)